PADI is launching soon its new digital product: the Advanced Open Water Diver eLearning. According to PADI, this new product “combines the best of the current eLearning system with enhancements that better engage student divers.” And this product will replace the old Advanced Open Water Diver online.
Here are some of the key features that the new Advanced Open Water Diver eLearning offers, and that makes it attractive to certified divers wishing to advanced their scuba skills:
- It’s designed for use with mobile devices (smartphone and tablets) or personal computers connected to the internet. (An offline option will be released later.)
- All 13 Adventure Dives from the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Manual are included, along with the Introduction and Thinking Like a Diver sections.
- The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Video is integrated within sections and dynamically streams, which helps avoid long loading times or video pauses.
- The user-friendly design supported by clear images, animated concepts, and interactive diagrams makes learning enjoyable as well as effective.
- All audio is closed-captioned – a great feature for hearing impaired and deaf divers.
- The open navigation allows eLearners to move around – jump forward, jump back, replay and review topics – to fit their learning style and needs.
Some features remain the same, such as the quizzes at the end of each subtopic to solidify understanding, and the knowledge reviews which need to be completed in order to get credit on the eRecords.
Our next Advanced Open Water Diver course will be conducted on July 27-28, 2019 in Dutch Springs. For more information about this course, and to make a reservation please click here.