This scuba skill is the regulator recovery by the sweep method, and clearing it. To begin, simulate you dropped the regulator from your mouth by taking it by the hose, then tossing it to the side.
How to clear a partially flooded mask
Practice this scuba skill by letting some water in your mask, you will achieve this by breaking the seal of the mask around the face. Next, hold the top of the mask against your forehead; hold the frame of the mask, not the skirt of the mask. Look up slightly, normally at approximately 45 degrees while exhaling through the nose.
How to breathe from a free flow regulator
To simulate a malfunctioning in your scuba regulator, you will hold in the purge button. Bring the regulator to your mouth, and without sealing your lips on the regulator, sipp the air you need and let the excess air to escape. Since the rush of the air might push your mask a little, you can hold your mask to avoid a flooding. You will simulate a free flow regulator, and breathe from it for at least 30 seconds with your scuba instructor.
How to clear a complete flooded mask
Practice clearing a complete flooded mask by breaking the seal of the mask, and let it fill completely with water. Now, hold the top of the mask (by the frame, not the skirt) against your forehead, then slightly look up while you exhale through the nose. It is easier when you begin exhaling before tipping your head back, and exhaling steadily and continuously through the nose.
Controlled emergency swimming ascent (confined water training)
Practice by simulating you are completely out of air, and your buddy is too far away so you can’t reach his alternate air source. When you are at a depth of 30 feet/9 meters or less, and for some reason you run out of air, you might decide to make a controlled emergency ascent. In this video I’m showing the skill by swimming horizontally, as in the confined water training. In your open water training with your instructor, or in a real situation, logically, you will swim vertically toward the surface. To begin, get ready by holding your inflator/deflator hose (to control your ascending rate) and place your right hand over your head. Then take a last deep breath (suposedly some air left from your “empty tank”), look forward (or look up when swimming to the surface) and exhale continuously while making an aaahh sound into your regulator. This maneuver of exhaling continuosly is to release expanding air, and avoid an injury by lung over expansion.
How to fin pivot
This exercise is to develop your neutral buoyancy. Begin by lying face down in the bottom. Keep you legs as straight as possible and your hands should not touch the bottom. Breathe slowly and deeply, then add little amounts of air to you BCD to gradually increase your buoyancy. You are neutrally buoyant when you added enough air to your BCD, and slowly pivot upward on the tip of your fins as you inhale. Don’t add any more air to the BCD, and when you exhale, you should slowly pivot back down.
Buoyancy Control – Hovering
Begin this scuba skill by emptying your BCD. Fold your legs under you (only if you are comfortable doing so) then adjust for neutral buoyancy using your BCD’s power inflator. When you acheive neutral buoyancy,hover in midwater, and control your buoyancy by making little changes in your lung volume as you breathe. Remember, never hold your breath. Don’t flutter your arms, hold the tip of your fins, your knees, or interlace your fingers, fluttering your arms defeats the purpose of the exercise. With some practice you will hover motionless a couple of feet off the bottom, and control your buoyancy by using your breathing.